- By Farther Steps - https://www.byfarthersteps.com -

Working Stiff

Been working at Whole Foods for about two and a half weeks and I got a promotion and a pay raise. I’m now the night shift deli supervisor. The security company I was interviewing with hasn’t called back with a job offer so I guess I’ll stay where I am. The hard part is that I don’t get enough time for studying and family when I have to work 40 hrs on top of school.

Still, I feel like Joseph. He get sold into slavery and next thing you know, he’s running the house. Then he goes to jail and he’s running the place. Then he meets Pharoah and he’s running the nation. I figure at this rate I should be CEO of Whole Foods Markets in about six months! :)

Really, God has been very good to me and my family. We have not had to do without much. We’d been praying for a second car and a guy at school loaned me his truck indefinately! I know not to presume on the Lord and am enjoying the bounty while He grants it. Like Joseph, there may be years of famine ahead of us but I know that He is working all things together for His glory and my good. And I will praise Him still.