SNORT…What? Wow, what time is it? Oh crud, its late. How’d that happen? Anyway, here’s a brief update (in no particular order):
Matrix Reloaded: Okay. It is the 2nd in a trilogy after all.
Phil Roy: Check out Undeniably Human. I like it.
School: On summer break, no classes, just a Field Ed. Shew.
Work: Busy doing everything. Interview for Assistant Team Leader on Thursday. Will be the shift manager in charge of the whole store the night of the 21st.
Family: Catching up. Ben is off to Albuquerque in the AM for a month. We bought season passes to the local “aquatic center” but have yet to be able to go. Too cold or rainy.
Computer: Back light repaired. 256 MB stick out, 512 MB stick in. 640 MB of memory goodness. Oohhh. Doesn’t slow down when I run Accordance now.
Church: We’re going to be leading a small group some time soon. Figuring out how that will happen and doing some recruiting amongst some new folks.
Car(s): Astro Van is dead. 1994 Buick LeSabre with 54K miles took its place. I need to balance the tires. Nice clean car. Someone from church/seminary is giving me their Geo when they move back to Boston in July.
Missions: Lisa will be going to Asia in September and I won’t be. School will have started. Bummer. Great prayer opportunity.
Jams: The Apple Music Store is fantastic! I feel sorry for Windows users (for many reasons) who will have to wait till the end of the year before they can enjoy it.
Finding Nemo: Fantastic (notice I did not say “Fintastic”) movie! Pixar has done it again. The seagulls only say “Mine!” How accurate.
More later.
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