These Two Paragraphs Have Nothing To Do With Each Other

George W. Bush. That name, to many, brings to mind a war-monger and one of the worst presidents in recent history. I’m not a fan and voted against him last time, but very often mixed in the "bad" is at least some good. Jimmy Carter was a really nice guy but not much of a president. But he got Egypt and Israel talking at Camp David. Turns out that W is doing something equally fantastic for the world. Bob Geldof recently traveled with him to Africa and in a Time article pointed up the good W’s done for that continent. There is so much heat and smoke generated by Bush’s War on Terror that it can eclipse what his is accomplishing elsewhere. Please read the article whether you’re a fan or foe of W.

With all that is happening in Africa, it is easy to think of the tragedy as happening to statistic, not people. While satellite photos won’t put faces on the horror, it can show you the magnitude of what is really happening. Here are some photos of real human beings, created in God’s image, fleeing from Chad for their lives. The black dots are human beings, the yellow bars are vehicles carrying human beings. Yes, Africa is a long way away, but it is still on the globe that Jesus created, loved, died to redeem and is coming back to rule. It is part of the world He sent us, his disciples in to to preach the good news, to feed, to cloth and to love as He’s loved us.

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