Derick Dickens [1] tagged me. Normally I don’t do tags but a) this one is different, b) I like and respect Derick and c) I’ve never done one before. I’m supposed to tag five others but I can’t think of five blogs I read that would respond. I have to admit, I’d love to tag the Luther At The Movies [2] blog just to get some interesting historical facts on the Great Reformer (I’m reading Bainton’s Here I Stand [3] for a history class right now), but I’ll refrain. On with the taggage.
Five things about me:
- I took my first undergraduate class in 1981 and completed my BS in 1997. Hey, I’m a slow reader, alright? Ned Beatty [4] was at my graduation. He had a relative graduating.
- My wife and I saw the play I’m Not Rappaport in London in 1986 or so and Gene Hackman [5] was sitting about five rows in front of us.
- A friend of mine in high school was the brother of James O’Barr [6] the creator of The Crow. My wife’s good friend in high school was the sister of Mike Judge [7], creator of Bevis and Butthead, Office Space, and King of the Hill.
- When I was in junior high school I spent the summers at my grandparents’ farm. My grandmother took me to church with her and her pastor, Pastor Tucker took a liking to me for some reason. He once told her that I would be a preacher when I grew up. She disagreed but said that I would be a good man.
- I am mentioned in a footnote in Richard Barcellos’ book In Defense of the Decalogue [8].