
Derick Dickens tagged me. Normally I don’t do tags but a) this one is different, b) I like and respect Derick and c) I’ve never done one before. I’m supposed to tag five others but I can’t think of five blogs I read that would respond. I have to admit, I’d love to tag the Luther At The Movies blog just to get some interesting historical facts on the Great Reformer (I’m reading Bainton’s Here I Stand for a history class right now), but I’ll refrain. On with the taggage.

Five things about me:

  1. I took my first undergraduate class in 1981 and completed my BS in 1997. Hey, I’m a slow reader, alright? Ned Beatty was at my graduation. He had a relative graduating.
  2. My wife and I saw the play I’m Not Rappaport in London in 1986 or so and Gene Hackman was sitting about five rows in front of us.
  3. A friend of mine in high school was the brother of James O’Barr the creator of The Crow. My wife’s good friend in high school was the sister of Mike Judge, creator of Bevis and Butthead, Office Space, and King of the Hill.
  4. When I was in junior high school I spent the summers at my grandparents’ farm. My grandmother took me to church with her and her pastor, Pastor Tucker took a liking to me for some reason. He once told her that I would be a preacher when I grew up. She disagreed but said that I would be a good man.
  5. I am mentioned in a footnote in Richard Barcellos’ book In Defense of the Decalogue.
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