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Patriotic Sunday

Oh golly, I forgot to mention this since I didn’t have Internet access. Sunday I went to a PCUSA church and guess what? Well, yea, they didn’t have female pastor but that wasn’t what I was going to say. It was Patriotic Sunday! My son leaned over and asked, “Are we ever going to get away from these things?”

They sang the National Anthem and America the Beautiful but no Yankee Doodle for which I was thankful. I really like the Presbyterian litergy. The call to worship is important so that people know that we’re getting down to business. Everything from now to the benediction is (supposed to be) focused on worshiping God. I like the confession and assurance of pardon, what a great way to remember what we’re all about.

At this particular church the senior minister is Scottish so he had a great accent. Not only that but he gave the sermon without notes. Unfortunately, he did it without a Bible either. He kept using terms like “people of faith” and “journey of faith” but he never actually told us what we were supposed to have faith in. I knew it was PCUSA going in so I wasn’t surprized just disappointed. The text it was supposed to be on was Matthew 11:16-19 but I’m not sure the good minister actually read that text as he prepared. He talked about freedom in faith. Ugh.

The other choice for worship that Sunday was across the street: The Solid Rock Bible Church. The name put me off but if we’d gone there maybe it would have been a good idea to bring my Bible to church. I don’t want, can’t use and can’t stand preaching about me or the preacher. I want Jesus, give me Jesus. I need to know Him better. I don’t want cute stories and interesting illustrations (unless they actually help) I want to hear about Jesus and the furtherance of His Kingdom. I want to hear a sermon that stirs my heart to marvel at our glorious God, to delight in Him and to long for heaven. Practical tips for living I can get from the news paper. A self-respect boost I can buy at the book store or catch on Oprah. The church is supposed to be about Jesus.

On the way home I heard a rebroadcast of Prarie Home Companion and the sermon sound a lot like Garrison Keillor’s closing monologue.