Our Mother Jesus?

This is from an ex-Episcopalian and it is amazing. He makes the point that women in preistly orders is pretty much a done deal for the Episcopal church. That acceptance of homosexuality is a foregone conclusion. So when R. Andrew Newman saw a woman appointed to head the ECUSA he didn’t bat an eye.

Till she opened her mouth and said:

Colossians calls Jesus the firstborn of all creation, the firstborn from the dead. That sweaty, bloody, tear-stained labor of the cross bears new life. Our mother Jesus gives birth to a new creation – and you and I are His children.

Newman rightly responded “Our mother Jesus?”

Here’s the Right Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori’s entire message.


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  • Maybe she was in Sunday School and someone asked, “Who’s your mother?”


    OK, I tried.

  • sad. Schori is truly a blind leader of the blind.

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