Movin’ on Up

Forgot to mention this yesterday, but I got a new job. I got hired by our Regional office to work on the helpdesk. Pretty exciting stuff! I will now be working downtown Chicago which means commuting and stuff, but I think the new job is going to be exciting and challenging and I know it is going to pay better.

“So, did you try turning the computer on before trying to check your e-mail?”

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  • I know I already made you a video and caught you on facebook, but I thought I’d say congrats here too!

  • Congratulations!

  • You aren’t working for dell are you?

    Alas, we couldn’t be friends.

    Congrats! Happy commuting!

  • Dell?!? *spit* No! Good heavens no. I’m still working for Whole Foods Market but I’m at the regional office now.

    We’re still friends Jason. :)

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