From Gospel Fundamentals Part One Chapter 3 [1]:
Our Father in Heaven loves us, and He knew we would need help. He knew we would be very sad if we could not have bodies of flesh and bones and could not return to live with Him forever. We needed someone to help us. Our Father in Heaven wanted someone to be our Savior. Two of our brothers offered to be our Savior.
Our oldest brother, Jesus, asked our Father in Heaven to send Him.
Satan, who was called Lucifer, also asked our Father in Heaven to choose him to be our Savior.
Oh, yea and from Gospel Fundamentals Part One Chapter 1 [1]:
The good men who have seen our Father in Heaven have said that He is real. He lives. He looks like a man.
Our Father in Heaven is not an idol or an animal. He has a body of flesh and bones. His body looks like a man’s body, but it is different.
His body will never die. His body feels no pain and cannot become sick.
I just can’t think of anything less Christian!
(via Aaron [2])