• I agree — I enjoyed meeting David, too. I’m going to have to link to his blog …

  • We should plan a Chicago area gathering. I’d show up if invited. :)

    BTW, I dig this design MUCH better than the three column.

  • btw – this is looking quite nice.

  • Thanks guys, I have a new graphic to replace the dog but school blocks the port I need to FTP the file to the site :-/

    Joe, David and I were talking about inviting ourselves to the Theology Pub but it is a bit too far for me. Carteé is closer to you than I am. I live up in Gurnee by Gurnee Mills. The closest I get is Deerfield for work.

    Would love to get together with you some time! Let’s try to work it out.

  • I’m going to see if I can make it to the next pub on October 11th. Care to join me, Cartee? Tim, I hear you. It’s a long drive. I looked it up on maps.yahoo.com and it looked like it would take 90 minutes in good traffic.

  • I’m jealous. :-/

    I’m thinking about going if I can maybe catch a train to do it. The traffic at that time of day is horrible from here. If I can catch a train to and from it would be totally cool.

  • where is it? I’m around that night.

    Hey David, I didn’t know your sister was in my advisee group!

  • oh yeah – that graphic is MUCH better than the dog

  • slick graphic man

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