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Hymns as Compact Theology

I feared this kind of thought was only nestled in Nashville with Indelible Grace [1] or hidden amongst Sovereign Grace Ministries’ music ministry [2]. How refreshing and hopeful to read Richard Mouw, the president of Fuller Theological Seminary, expressing these thoughts [3] about worship and hymns:

We can hope that new generations of Christians will contribute to the storehouse of “compacted theology” by composing and singing new hymns, ones that preserve their own spiritual and theological experiences. But we can also hope that they will not ignore the riches that are readily available in the storehouses that record the memories of those who have walked the paths of discipleship in the past. For those who have come to faith in an age of screens and praise teams, we call those storehouses “hymnbooks”!

Yes! The music we hear and the words we sing to it are not passive, neutral things. They affect us in ways we might not recognize. It is a great thing that at least in sections of the church we are recovering the riches of hymn-singing, either older hymns or contemporary ones. This bodes well for future generations. Read the comments on Mouw’s post too.