I’ve been listening to John Piper on the Internet lately. Man, that is some excellent preaching. Fortunatley his MP3s are free downloads so I’m filling up my iPod. :) His theme music is Be Thou My Vision, my favorite hymn. It is my cellphone ringtone. John is raising money to get his show on the radio across the nation. I think this would be a great thing for the Church in America. I’m going to try to contribute some money to get that program off the ground and on the air.
I’ve also been listening to R. C. Sproul. He’s going through the attributes of God. Thrilling stuff. RC is on in my area but he comes on at 9AM and that’s when I’m in class so I have to listen on the Internet. What is really cool is that I can use iTunes to play the program and even with my 56K dial-up it doesn’t stall. Can’t say the same with Real One or Windows Media Player.
So, why do I study theology? Because it deepens my worship. Why should sermons be rich theologically and not only practical? To intensify worship and further godliness:
His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. – 2Pt 1:3