I’ve never met him but we did exchange e-mail and posts in The Mac Observer [1] forums so it was very sad for me to learn that Rodney O. Lain (iBrotha [2]) took his own life this weekend. I had no idea that he was struggling with depression, Rodney’s always been a very intelligent, sharp-tongued Mac pundit and sometime critic. He always made me think and caused me to look at things in a different way. Because of Rodney I stopped using the pejorative terms “Pee Sea”, “Windoze”, “Pee Cee”, and “Micro$oft” when referring to the other computer configurations.
Rodney was a Christian but got badly burned by a church so he became a “Christian Iconoclast.” He adopted some unorthodox doctrines and questioned some foundation things about Christianity. Is Rodney in heaven? I have no idea, but I really hope he is. I hope his rebellion was against a church and not against Jesus Christ, God incarnate.