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Developing Leadership

I’m reading J. Oswald Sanders’ classic Spiritual Leadership this week. In his chapter Can You Become a Leader, he has a list of diagnostic questions that got me thinking and wondering about myself.

After dealing with the unique attributes of a spiritual leader Sanders turns to natural leadership qualities:

Natural leadership qualities are important. Too often these skills lie dormant and undiscovered. If we look carefully, we should be able to detect leadership potential. And if we have it, we should train it in and use it for Christ’s work. Here are some ways to investigate your potential:

How you handle relationships tells a lot about our potential for leadership. R. E. Thompson suggestes these tests:

These test mean little unless we act to correct our deficits and fill in the gaps of our training. Perhaps the final test of leadership potential is whether you “sit” on the results of such an analysis or do something about it. Why not take some of the points of weakness and failure you are aware of and, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of discipline, concentrate on strengthening those areas of weakness and correcting faults.