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No support yet from AvantGo for OS X. No kidding. I’ve migrated a whole bunch of stuff from the old 6500 to the new iBook but AvantGo was a NoGo. Their web site points you to Apple and Palm on this issue but the problem lies with AvantGo. They claim [1]:

The problem is that our installer is not able to build a conduit in the Palm Hot Sync manager with the new Palm 4.0 software for Mac. We have contacted both Palm and Apple regarding this issue. We hope to support this platform in the future but do not know for sure if/when we will.

I would love to hear what Apple and Palm have to say about this. I’ll bet that Palm would say that AvantGo needs to upgrade their conduit complier software and that it should work fine. I bet Apple would tell them that it should be easier to write a conduit with OS X because of the UNIX underpinnings.

Oh yea, when is Palm or Apple or Microsoft going to write an e-mail conduit?