Author Archive

Recession GOOD

There is good news even in a recession Summary: Penthouse is facing bankruptcy! Yipee!Comment: While I don’t think for a moment America and no less the world in general is getting any smarter about making a buck off of lust nor exploiting young women, I still welcome this news. Maybe its a trend since web porno searches are down too. On second thought, maybe this isn’t good news, what else is everyone up to? Oh yea, they’re just watching it for free on Fox. Nevermind.

Obi Wan Speaks Out!

Argue Not With Master Obi-Wan, Young Padawan Summary: Ewan McGregor didn’t much like Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, said it was flat, and I agree.
Comment: I loved Star Wars. I liked The Empire Strikes Back. I gagged at Return of the Jedi. But Phantom Menace was too much. I thought Tatooine was supposed to the farthest point from a bright spot in the galaxy? Turns out it was quite the center of attention. When Darth Vader turned out to be Luke’s father, that was bad. When he turned out to be Leia’s father also, that was too much. Now he’s C3PO’s dad too? Yikes. Lucas has collapsed what could have been an excellent, galaxy-spanning story into AnakinSkywalker: Most Important Person in the Universe. The name Attack of the Clones is bad enough, but if we find out in the next two movies that Anakin built the Millennium Falcon, introduced Han Solo to Chewbacca, and sketched out the plans for the Death Star on a foe’s back with his light saber during a duel, I’m going to barf.

Sounds like snot

“I was listening to Saint-Saens while sipping a fine Cabernet Sauvignon on a lazy Saturday afternoon.” You know, there are some things that, no matter how excellent they are, just cannot be said without sounding like a snot. Sadly, this is one of them.

Episode II

Don’t follow the first link if you don’t want some serious spoilers on the next Star Wars movie! The dude who runs Ain’t It Cool News claims to have gotten a sneak peek at Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Without giving away what he says, let me just say that it renews my hope in the Star Wars saga. Also, take a look at Star Wars meets Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Great (or is it g-r-a-t-e?) stuff! Warning, some of the language and content on those site is not very nice.