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Abstract Thinking

Intending to freak him out a bit, I walked up to my son and asked, “What is the opposite of blue?” Without missing a beat he answered, “Squeeky.” Should I be proud or worried?

Fight Pickers

Pakistan and India. Israel and Palastine. The US and Al Quida. Notice a theme here? The first is Muslims and (largely) Hindus. The second is Muslims and (largely) Jews. The third is Muslims and (largely) Christians. What about the Buddhists? Oh yea, the Taliban tore down some ancient status of Budda in Afganistan a few years ago. Gee, has Islam failed to pick a (physical) fight with any major world religion?

Wired @ Starbucks

Okay, this isn’t as cool as another Starbucks story I heard but cool it is none the less. I’m at Starbucks and I pull out the iBook to do some writing. As I’m searching for an outlet I notice that they have a phone jack right next to the table. Activate the Airport and no signal (someone else got pay-as-you-go wireless service) so I plug in the phone jack and dial in via my ISP. So I can surf, sip and not do the writing I came here for. :)


No support yet from AvantGo for OS X. No kidding. I’ve migrated a whole bunch of stuff from the old 6500 to the new iBook but AvantGo was a NoGo. Their web site points you to Apple and Palm on this issue but the problem lies with AvantGo. They claim:

The problem is that our installer is not able to build a conduit in the Palm Hot Sync manager with the new Palm 4.0 software for Mac. We have contacted both Palm and Apple regarding this issue. We hope to support this platform in the future but do not know for sure if/when we will.

I would love to hear what Apple and Palm have to say about this. I’ll bet that Palm would say that AvantGo needs to upgrade their conduit complier software and that it should work fine. I bet Apple would tell them that it should be easier to write a conduit with OS X because of the UNIX underpinnings.

Oh yea, when is Palm or Apple or Microsoft going to write an e-mail conduit?

Mac OS X Growing Up

Just updated the iBook from Mac OS 10.0.4 to 10.1.4. What a difference a decimal point can make! The system is much more stable and predictable. I just sat down and watched The Truman Show on DVD on it and the DVD performance is way better. Can’t wait for 10.2!

Roman Authority?

The Roman Catholic Church is supposed to have the authoritative word from heaven. What the Pope binds on earth is bound in heaven. If the Roman Catholic Church excommunicates you, you are outside Christ’s Church. What they say goes. This claim to power has lead some evangelicals, even reformed evangelicals to become Roman Catholic. One thing that always bothered me about this claim is that they seldom exercise it. Well, they finally get really close to exercising their authority. The Vatican news agency recently used some pretty firm words when discussing stars wearing expensive crosses as jewelry. Relying upon that God-given authority to bind and loosen, the Vatican news service went so far as to call this practice “incomprehensible”. Yes, yes, I know. A bold, strong move by the Vatican. Let us all stand in awe of the infallible authority of the One True Church!

Why, this far-reaching authority even lead the Pope back in 1989 to threaten to excommunicate Madonna if she performed “Like A Prayer” in Rome! Burrr! A display of divine authority like that sends a shiver down your spine doesn’t it? She can go ahead and perform a blasphemous song anywhere else, but she’d better not bring her filth to Rome. Back when that song came out I was still Roman Catholic and I got to see the video a number of times. During it, she is in a church praying to a statue of a saint (which is bad enough). The statue starts to cry and then comes to life. The images suggest that she makes love to him right there in the pew, or at least there is a lot of hugging and smooching going on anyway. It ends with her and a black Jesus standing in front of a burning cross. You can see why the Vatican wouldn’t want that sort of thing in Rome.
It is fine for the rest of the world, but never in Rome.

RIAA Mafia

Yipee! The RIAA’s attempt to kill net radio broadcasting has been dealt a major setback. The RIAA needs to get a grip and try to embrace the new media, not kill it.