A friend at church gave me a copy of J. Gresham Machen’s paper “Christanity and Culture”. What a fantastic monograph! It is littered with so many great things I’d like to quote. I’ll have to start marking the pages and quoting and commenting. Great read. BTW, the link is to Reformation Ink, a fantastic website with tons of great reading. Pop over and take a look.
Author Archive
For Real?
Wow. I’m cleaning out my desk at work. This whole “retiring from the Air Force” thing is a reality all of the sudden!
Blog: The Beginning
I have arrived. I just noticed that Russ included a link to me over at his blog. I find that particularly cool because, having never heard of a blog before, I stumbled upon his blog while searching for something about or by Jonathan Edwards. Russ has a paper posted on his site and since the name “mybrainhurts” grabbed my attention I checked it out. Next thing I know, I hit blogger.com, establish an account and turn my website into a blog. Now I’m hooked.
Ho! What’s this? Then next version of Mac OS X (10.2) will include handwriting recognition. Now why would you need handwriting recognition on a non-pen based system? The website says its for graphics professionals but I wonder. Could it be that there is a tablet in the future of the Macintosh line up? Now that would be cool!
I happened to walk past a TV in a waiting room today and caught the end of an Apple commercial. All I saw was the Apple logo and “www.apple.com/switch” and then a woman saying what her job was. Immediately I knew what it was all about. Apple is starting to lure Windows useres. I love this. I went to Apple’s website and watched all the commercials.
This is a brave step by Apple. Microsoft does not like to lose market share and we have seen in the courts how they are not afraid to play dirty.
From a New York Times story:
“Our relationship with Microsoft is really pretty good,” Mr. Jobs said. “What’s a few market-share points between friends? It wouldn’t matter to them, and we would be eternally grateful.”
So the assult on market share begins. I’m thrilled!
Echo echo echo echo
Must have been a slow weekend. I just skimmed all of my favorite blogs and there hasn’t been much activity on them. I know it was a big sports weekend. I know this only because I heard it on the radio. I am so sports dis-inclined it isn’t even funny. Is that were everyone was? Glued to the TV trying to switch between sporting events?
My formal retirement ceremony from the Air Force was today. I’m not “retired” yet, that won’t happen until September 1, 2002 but the ceremony was today. My Pastor came out to the base and did the invocation and a dear friend from church sang the national anthem. I thought I might get all choaked up or fell very strange but it seemed like a very natural thing.
I don’t like SPAM!
My Yahoo! account has suddenly turned into a spam magnet. Here’s an idea that everyone with an e-mail account should follow. Never, NEVER answer a spam! If that source of advertising doesn’t produce revenue, they’ll stop using it. Come on now people, we can all do it.
Last Elder Standing
Monday was what will most likely be my last Elders’ meeting at the Lancaster Evangelical Free Church (*sniff*). What a great group of men to be associated with. Each one has been such a positive influence on me. Men of prayer, devoted Christians all. Anyway, they started with some gag gifts for me. Amongst other things I got a bag of Scripture Candy and a full colour Tim LaHay dispensational chart! Wow. The real gift was fantastic; Charles Spurgeon’s A Treasury of David. Thanks guys, I have wanted this one for quite a while.
Comments No
Oh yea, comments are gone again. I’m not sure when or if they’ll be back. I may actually have to pay for them and use Sensus Plenior.