I grew up in Michigan so this really caught my eye. The Free Press is reporting that the city of Hamtramick is considering allowing the broadcast of Muslim calls to prayers over loudspeakers. When I was growing up, Dearborn was where a lot of the middle level Ford executives lived. My girlfriend lived there for a while. Now Dearborn is a strong Muslim community. Things change.
I don’t think we need to fear this as long as the lazy, comfortable church in America will get about her business. There are many Muslim nations that we cannot go to and preach the gospel. It is illegal. But having Muslims come here, where it is protected by law is a fantastic opportunity. But there is a lot of work to be done. There is a lot of fear and misunderstanding on both sides. We need to start with dialogue. Islam respects the Bible and Jesus. Islam misrepresents them fearfully but at least it respects them. Islam is monotheistic. There are some points of commonality to start with. We can’t/didn’t/don’t go to them, God has brought them to us, so lets take advantage of it!